

Garden Visits

Status:Active, open to new members
When: on Wednesdays
2nd Wednesday of the month
Venue: Outings

We visit a garden once a month, usually on the 2nd Wednesday, during the summer months. In January we meet to plan the programme for the year and try to find a garden that has a variety of plants in flower at each time of the year, starting with bulbs in the spring (usually snowdrops), herbaceous borders in the summer and trees with good colours in the autumn.

We meet at the Blue Diamond car park at Bicester Avenue for car-sharing. (Drive to the back of the car park and look for the white minibus, which will be available for most visits.) Usually we depart at 1.00 pm but if we are travelling further afield we will agree an earlier departure time.

Some of the visits are to National Trust and other stately houses, where members can visit the house, if it is open, as well as the garden, and we meet up around the garden and finish with a cup of tea. Occasionally extra visits are included, for example, when a local wood was open for the snowdrops over two weekends in February. All members are welcome to come and join us on any, or all of the visits.

The minibus continues to prove useful, only one person has to drive, and it makes for a more social time. (Although the passengers have yet to find the crate of beer on the way home!) Unfortunately the minibus will no longer be available after September 2024 unless we can find a volunteer driver.

Please note:- Bicester U3A policy for car-sharing is to contribute 45p per mile shared between the number of occupants of the car.

If you have any questions, please contact the Group Leader (details in the Bicester u3a programme card), or via the Group Co-ordinator.